Boost your transfections with NATE™
NATE™ is a nucleic acid transfection enhancer designed by InvivoGen to boost both transient and stable transfection efficiencies in hard-to-transfect cells; specifically human monocytes and murine macrophages (i.e. THP-1 and RAW 264.7 cells, respectively). Simply add NATE™ 30 mins prior to your current transfection protocol.
The principal obstacle for ‘foreign’ nucleic acids (i.e. plasmids) during eukaryotic cell transfection is their own detection by cytosolic DNA sensors of the innate immune system (see 'Details' tab). These defensive cellular strategies can greatly affect the efficiency of both transient and stable transfections. When using NATE™, a number of these nucleic acid sensing pathways will be inhibited, thereby protecting the plasmid and facilitating its expression.
Key Features of NATE™:
- Compatible with commonly used transfection reagents (e.g. GeneXPlus, Lipofectamine® LTX, and jetPRIME®) as well as physical methods (e.g. nucleofection).
- Higher transfection yield, even with large plasmids (> 10kb).
- Gentle on cells with no toxicity in all tested transfection protocols.
NATE™ is a highly pure (>95%) proprietary blend of innate immune system inhibitors and has been functionally tested in transfection assays using THP-1 and RAW 264.7 cells.