WGP Soluble
InvivoGen Kontakt z doradcąWGP control / Dectin-1 inhibitor - Whole Glucan Particles, soluble
WGP Soluble (WGP® Soluble, Biothera) is a pure soluble WGP preparation.
Similarly to particulate WGP, WGP Soluble binds efficiently Dectin-1, however it is incapable of activating the receptor [1].
Furthermore, WGP Soluble is able to significantly block the binding of WGP to macrophages and its immunostimulatory effect [2].
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- Li B. et al., 2007. Yeast glucan particles activate murine resident macrophages to secrete proinflammatory cytokines via MyD88- and Syk kinase-dependent pathways. Clin Immunol. 124(2):170-81.