pBOOST plasmids were developed as genetic adjuvants for DNA vaccines to potentiate the immune response to a specific antigen.
The method of plasmid DNA vaccine delivery is known to bias the immune response to a specific antigen towards a Th1 or Th2 response.
These biases can be further enhanced by the codelivery of interferon regulatory factors (IRFs) or TANK-binding kinase 1 (TBK1) to increase the efficacy of the vaccination. Moreover, vaccination can be potentiated by the codelivery of genes encoding FLT3L and GM-CSF, two cytokines that support dendritic cell development.
- pBOOST2 plasmids feature different IRFs for Th1 or Th2 polarization.
- pBOOST3 plasmid features TBK1 to enhance DNA vaccine immunogenicity.
- pBOOST4 plasmid features mouse FLT3L and GM-CSF to support dendritic cell development.