Owl A5 Large Gel System
Thermo Scientific Kontakt z doradcąPosiada wbudowaną recyrkulację, idealne do długich serii, wielu zestawów próbek lub żeli RNA.
A5 Large Gel Systems
- Prevents the formation of pH and ionic gradients
- Provides high resolution and uniform, reproducible results
- Delivers clear results for samples run over long time periods
- Requires no external pumps, tubing or stir bars, because recirculation system is built into buffer chamber
- Eliminates uneven migration, band distortion or disassociation of pH-dependent glyoxylated RNA molecules that can result when ionic depletion occurs
Large gel system includes buffer chamber with three-point leveling base, SuperSafe™ lid with attached power supply leads, UVT gel tray with gasketed end gates, as well as 16-, 24-, and 36-well, 1.5m thick combs.