Biotools Kontakt z doradcąThis kit is also suitable for purifying bacterial and viral DNA from tissues.
It is a multi-use extraction kit designed for an efficient, small-scale preparation of highly pure DNA from:
- Human and animal tissues
- Cultured cells
- Bacteria and yeast
- Paraffin embedded samples
- Forensic samples
- Blood
- Dried blood spots
- Urine
- Serum and plasma
- Feces
- Other body fluids
For most samples there is no need for mechanical homogenization prior to use. An efficient and fast lysis is guaranteed because the samples are treated with two different lysis buffers.
This kit allows the purification of up to 35 µg of pure genomic DNA with an average A260/280 ratio of between 1.7 and 1.9. The obtained DNA is ready to use in subsequent reactions like PCR, Southern blotting, or any other kind of enzymatic reaction.
- Versatile extraction protocols (for different samples)
- Phenol free method and non ethanol precipitation
- High binding capacity of spin column
- Spin column guarantees no cross-contamination
- DNA ready-to-use in less than 20 min /4-6 preps
SpeedTools Tissue DNA Extraction kit is provided with Pre-Lysis Buffer, Lysis Buffer, Proteinase K (lyophilised), Proteinase Suspension Buffer, DNA Binding Columns, Wash Buffers, and Elution Buffer.