BIOFOOD MIXED kit (homogeneous samples) (48 rxns)

Biotools Kontakt z doradcą
Biofood Mixed kit has been designed to detect and identify six different animal species commonly used in food and feed samples (cow, pork, chicken, horse, goat and sheep) through the amplification of the cytochrome b gene, a highly conserved mitochondrial gene.
BIOFOOD MIXED kit (homogeneous samples) (48 rxns)

The kit is based on a multiplex amplification technology which includes several primer pairs to get unique amplification bands for each species. The Biofood Mixed kit is only adapted for homogeneous samples. 


The Biofood Mixed kit is supplied with:

  • Master mix: Includes all amplification reagents for the detection of the cytocrome b gene
  • MgCl2 
  • Biotools DNA Polymerase

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