Zestawy do wykrywania patogenów
BIOHBV kit (96 rxns)
BiotoolsBIOHBV kit has been designed to detect hepatitis B virus in a wide variety of clinical samples (e.g. blood, serum, plasma, PBMCs, hepatic tissues).
WięcejBIOMALAR Gel Form kit
BiotoolsThe Biomalar Gel Form kit allows the qualitative detection of Plasmodium species in clinical samples.
WięcejBIOPAP kit (96 rxns)
BiotoolsBIOPAP kit has been designed for detection of human papillomavirus (HPV) in clinical samples and differentiation between oncogenic and non-oncogenic genotypes, in a single reaction.
WięcejBIOTUB kit (96 rxns)
BiotoolsBIOTUB kit has been designed to detect human Mycobacterium tuberculosis by DNA amplification, in clinical samples (blood, lung tissue and sputum).
WięcejMYCOPLASMA Gel Form kit
BiotoolsThe Mycoplasma Gel Detection kit from Biotools allows Mycoplasma contamination in cell culture supernatants to be detected by endpoint PCR by amplification of a conserved region of 16S rRNA.