
Automatic Cell Factory Manipulator (ACFM)
NUNCNunc™ ACFM automates the filling and harvesting of four Nunc Cell Factory™ 40 or 12 Nunc Cell Factory 10 systems.
Cell Factory Accessories
NUNCNunc™ Cell Factory™ Accessories supports the use of aseptic methods for fluid handing relating to filling, inoculation, feeding and harvesting of the Cell Factory system.
Cell Factory Hand Manipulator
NUNCNunc™ Cell Factory™ Hand Manipulators are designed for the safe and efficient handling of Cell Factory 10 and 40 layer systems.
Cell Factory Racks and Carts
NUNCNunc™ Cell Factory™ Rack and Carts are designed to perfectly integrate with all Nunc Cell Factory equipment.
Cell Factory Shaker System
NUNCThe Nunc™ Cell Factory™ Shaker System offers an automated solution for the detachment of cells from Nunc Cell Factory Systems.
Cell Factory Start-Up Kit
NUNCThe Nunc™ Cell Factory™ Start-Up Kit supports the use of aseptic methods for fluid handing related to filling, inoculation, feeding and harvesting of the Cell Factory system.
Cell Factory Systems polystyrene
NUNCThe original Nunc™ Cell Factory™ system is the proven solution for large-scale production of cells, vaccines and therapeutic proteins – with the same growth kinetics as laboratory-scale cell culture products.
Cell Factory Systems with Active Gassing polystyrene
NUNCNunc™ Cell Factory™ Systems with Active Gassing ensure a controlled, contamination-free atmosphere in each culture tray by equally distributing the userspecified gas mixture.
EasyFill Cell Factory Accessories
NUNCNunc™ EasyFill™ Cell Factory™ Accessories support the use of aseptic methods for fluid handling related to filling, inoculation, feeding and harvesting of the EasyFill Cell Factory system.
EasyFill Cell Factory Systems polystyrene
NUNCNunc™ EasyFill™ Cell Factory™ system is a single-use, “out-of-the-box” system with a large, vented screw closure and versatile port design for pouring and aseptic filling.
InVitro Roller Bottles
NUNCNunc™ InVitro™ PETG Roller Bottles increase cell expansion and product yield without the need to purchase additional production equipment or increase labor.
TufRol Roller Bottles
NUNCNunc™ TufRol™ PS Roller Bottles provide reliability and reproducibility necessary for laboratory and industrial scale applications, including vaccines, cell culture expansion and the production of other biologics.