TDB VacciGrade™
InvivoGen Kontakt z doradcąMincle agonist - Synthetic analog of the cord factor Th1 response
Trehalose-6,6-dibehenate (TDB) is a non-toxic synthetic analogue of the mycobacterial cell wall component trehalose 6,6’ dimycolate (TDM, also known as cord factor).
TDB was shown to rely on the C-type lectin Mincle and the signaling molecules Syk and Card9 to trigger innate immunity.
TDB VacciGrade™ is suitable for preclinical studies. It is prepared under strict aseptic conditions. It is guaranteed sterile and thoroughly tested for the presence of endotoxins.
TDB VacciGrade™ is for research use only, not for use in humans.