Cuvettes for spectrophotometer
APTACA Kontakt z doradcąMacro and semi-micro disposable cuvettes for spectrophotometry, 2 optical faces, optical path 10 mm. In optical PS, they assure an optimum transparency range from 340 to 800 nm and, in PMMA UV grade, from 280 to 800 nm.

Absorbance variations are within a range of 1%, extremely important condition for serial tests. Packed in styrofoam boxes of 100 pieces with lid, dust proof.
- Cod.: 1015
- Dim. mm: 10x10x45
- Mat.: PS
- Type: MACRO
- Vol. ml: 2.0 - 4.0
- Cod.: 1016
- Dim. mm: 10x4x45
- Mat.: PS
- Vol. ml: 0.5 - 2.0
- Cod.: 1045
- Dim. mm: 10x10x45
- Mat.: PMMA
- Type: MACRO
- Vol. ml: 2.0 - 4.0
- Cod.: 1046
- Dim. mm: 10x4x45
- Mat.: PMMA
- Vol. ml: 0.5 - 2.0